Regulatory Filings
Regulatory filings associated with Square 75/2100 Pennsylvania Avenue
- February 12, 2018 - Zoning Commission Order of Approval for Square 75, Lots 50 and 51
- Post Hearing Supplemental Filings
- February 2, 2018 - Posthearing Response – Signage
- December 22, 2017 - Applicant’s Response to WECA Supplemental Posthearing Filings (12/15 & 12/18)
- November 10, 2017 - Applicant’s Response to WECA Posthearing Filing
- September 21, 2017 - Notice of Zoning Commission public hearing
- August 2017 - Notice of Zoning Commission public hearing
- July 31, 2017 -- Pre-hearing submission
- April 13, 2017 -- Application to Amend the Campus Plan Approved in Z.C. Order No. 06-11/06-12 in association with separate application for modification of a First-Stage planned unit development (PUD), a Second-Stage PUD, and a related Map amendment for Square 75, Lots 50 & 51
- March 22, 2017 - Application of Boston Properties, Inc. to the Public Space Committee of the District of Columbia for public space improvements related to the proposed redevelopment of 2100 Penn
- February 21, 2017: Notice of intent to file a zoning application, Lots 50 and 51 in Square 75
- February 21, 2017: Notice of intent to file a zoning application, Lot 51 in Square 75