Contact Us
Community Concerns Hotline
202-994-6110 (Foggy Bottom)
202-242-6110 (Mount Vernon).
If it is an emergency please dial 911 for MPD.
Off-Campus Student Behavior
Submit a report about off-campus student behavior to GW Office on Conflict Education & Student Accountability
Facility & Maintenance Issues
Report facility and maintenance issues on either the Foggy Bottom and Mount Vernon Campuses.
Office of Government and Community Relations
1918 F Street, NW
Terrace Level
Washington, D.C. 20052
Office: 202-994-9132
Fax: 202-994-3622
[email protected]
Kevin Days
Executive Director for Government Community Relations
Office: 202-994-3201
Mobile: 202-725-6426
Gabrielle Sosa
Director of Government Relations & Stakeholder Engagement
Office: 202-994-5743
The Office of Government and Community Relations
In October 2004, GW established the Office of District of Columbia and Foggy Bottom/West End Affairs to coordinate and cultivate the University’s relationship with its neighbors, primarily in the Foggy Bottom/West End neighborhood. Today, under the name Office of Government and Community Relations (OGCR) our mission remains fundamentally the same. In addition to promoting collegial relationships and dialogue among the university, neighbors, DC government and others, the office also serves as the central intake point for community issues, and works to ensure a timely and effective response.